A service to train and employ QSAR and PCM models that take a compound structure and pretrained model as input and returns the predicted potency of said compound.

VHP4Safety Documentation
- Service introduction:
- Workflow:
- Demo: Tutorials
- External cloud: https://github.com/CDDLeiden/QSPRpred
- Login required:
- Implementation status:
- TRL:
- Type: -
- Contact: Linde Schoenmaker l.schoenmaker@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl
- API Type: , R package, Python
- Categories: -
- Targeted users: -
- Relevant VHP4Safety Use case: -
- Provided by:
- Citation:
- Version:
- License: MIT
- Source Code:
- Docker:
- Bio.tools:
- FAIRsharing:
- TeSS:
- RSD:
- Wikipedia: