
VHP4Safety Cloud catalog

Below you find an overview of services available in the context of the VHP4Safety Platform. Additional services have been suggested and users can request additional services.

AOP-Wiki Snorql UI logo

AOP-Wiki Snorql UI

A graphical interface to make queries to the AOP-Wiki SPARQL endpoint. [more info]

AOP-Wiki API logo


A REST API for AOP-Wiki content to make SPARQL queries. [more info]


A user-friendly service to conduct quality control and pre-processing analyses for microarray data. [more info]

BioModels logo


A repository of mathematical models of biological and biomedical systems. [more info]

BioTransformer logo


A software tool to predict metabolites based on inputs in SMILE format. [more info]

BridgeDb logo


A framework to map identifiers between various biological databases and related sources. [more info]

CDK Depict logo

CDK Depict

A webservice to convert SMILES into 2D depictions in either SVG, PNG, and PNG formats. [more info]

CellDesigner logo


A structured diagram editor to draw gene-regulatory and biochemical networks. [more info]

CompTox logo


An online database to provide access to chemistry, toxicity, and exposure information for chemicals. [more info]



An open-source software application to create and solve mathematical models of biological processes such as metabolic networks, cell-signaling pathways, regulatory networks, infectious diseases, and many others. [more info]


A model to predict water–octanol distribution coefficient (logD) for chemical compounds which is a proxy for the lipophilicity which is a major determinant of drug properties and overall suitability of drug candidates. [more info]



An online service to extract chemical structures from PDF-formatted files and images. [more info]

European Medicines Agency Documents logo

European Medicines Agency Documents

An online repository of official reports from the European Medicines Agency. [more info]



A web-accessible registry to store, share and publish research assets of biology projects. [more info]

Fairspace logo


An open source data management platform that allows importing and exporting metadata using Resource Description Framework (RDF) [more info]


An open source framework to develop, host, and use machine-learning models, such as QSAR-like models, in production environments. [more info]

Joint Research Centre Data Catalogue logo

Joint Research Centre Data Catalogue

An inventory of data produced by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in accordance with the JRC Data Policy. [more info]

VHP4Safety Wikibase User Interface

A Synia-based graphical user interface to the content of the VHP4Safety Wikibase using SPARQL queries. [more info]


An online service to generate a virtual human population. Note that the service has been retired. [more info]

The OECD QSAR Toolbox logo

The OECD QSAR Toolbox

A software to support hazard assessment of chemicals as well as to increase mechanistic and other knowledge on chemical substances in a cost-efficient way. [more info]

OP PBK Model logo

OP PBK Model

To be added [more info]

OPSIN: Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC nomenclature logo

OPSIN: Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC nomenclature

An online service with a tool to parse IUPAC names for chemicals into the chemical graph notation SMILES. [more info]


An online service to generate a virtual human population. [more info]

QSPRpred logo


A service to train and employ QSAR and PCM models that take a compound structure and pretrained model as input and returns the predicted potency of said compound. [more info]

SOM Prediction

A webservice to conduct protein-structure and reactivity based (P450) site-of-metabolism prediction. [more info]


An online service to conduct literature review, data extraction and systematic review. [more info]

TXG-MAPr logo


An online application to implement weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) derived from the Primary Human Hepatocytes (PHH) TG-GATEs data sets. [more info]

VHP4Safety Wikibase logo

VHP4Safety Wikibase

A Wikibase instance to store and present information about toxic, safe and potentially toxic compounds related to the VHP4Safety project. [more info]

WikiPathways - AOP Portal logo

WikiPathways - AOP Portal

An Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) portal for WikiPathways to highlight the molecular basis of AOPs or events in AOPs. [more info]


A web application to visualize Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) networks and interactively explore the AOPs for two liver outcomes, Cholestasis and Steatosis. [more info]


VHP4Safety – the Virtual Human Platform for safety assessment project NWA 1292.19.272 is part of the NWA research program ‘Research along Routes by Consortia (ORC)’, which is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The project started on June 1, 2021 with a budget of over 10 million Euros and will last for the duration of 5 years.